Pens to delight

above three styles left to right

slimline, sierra and fountain pen

all from NZ Ancient Kauri


the slimline and two piece piece pen price depends on the grain colouring

$135 for the sierra or the fountain pen and includes a presentation case ($120 without case)


we havejust added these beautiful NZ Ancient Kauri fountain pen to the stock in the gallery NZ$135 each includes presentation case.

Pens to delight

see our "shop now" page to purchase or contact us

We have a selection of beautiful pens all made here by Rick Taylor at our gallery studio  in Dargaville

Kauri Coast, Northland, New Zealand

just added some "cigar" style Ancient Kauri Pens to our gallery and buy now page

$135 including presentation case/gift box and posting with in NZ (non rural) can also post overseas for additional cost - please quote reference number of the pen when ordering

sample photo - to give you an idea

Great presentation gift idea

cards about the story and age of the ancient kauri included with each pen

Prices start from $55 for the slimline pen

New Zealand Ancient Kauri sierra pens

just put these in the gallery for sale - some may have sold

some beautiful ancient kauri fountain pens

$135 each pen and  a presentation case including

each pen has a slightly different fiddleback grain

pen orders over 20 can be laser engraved at an additional cost


The presentation case can be purchased for NZ$15 to go with any of the other pens

the Sierra pens above are all made from Ancient Kauri

golden, fiddleback and the unusual green kauri - NZ$135 each and  the presentation case is included with free postage in NZ


(above) close up of the ancient kauri sierra pen with case




(below) close up of a fiddleback grain ancient kauri pens.



Below - fountain pen Ancient Kauri NZ$135  including the presentation case and free postage in NZ - we can post oversease for additional postage cost.